Rare Grasping Appendage of Anomalocaris from Nevada

An Apex Predator of the Cambrian Seas

Anomalocaris cf saron

Phylum Uncertain, Anomalocarididae

Geological Time: Early Middle Cambrian

Size: Anomalocaris fossil is 28 mm long (curve measure) on a 170 mm by 85 mm matrix

Fossil Site: Pioche Formation, Comet Shale Member, Eokochaspis nodosa subzone, Lincoln County Nevada

Fossil Code: STF34

Price: Sold

Description: This is the grasping arm of one of the “Terrors Of The Cambrian” known as Anomalocaris. The members of this group of enigmatic creatures are known from Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, and are thought by many to be closely allied with the Arthropda, a position not held by all researchers. The spiniferous grasping appendages are strongly suggestive of its carnivorous habits; some trilobites from Utah bear evidence of bite marks that have been attributed to its near relative Anomalocaris nathorsti. This example comes from a soft-bodied preservation site known for some ten years. Two species are currently known; A. pennsylvanica and A. cf saron. A. Both horizons are somewhat older than the celebrated Burgess Shale of British Columbia. Also see a complete Anomalocaris fossil.

Reference: Journal of Paleontology, 77 (4), 2003, pp 674-690.

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