Conophyton Stromatolites from Base of Ordovician

Stromatolites Conophyton form genera

(hand polished)

Geological Time: Lower Ordovician (500 million years old)

Size: (25.4 mm = 1 inch): 5.5 inches wide maximum

Fossil Site: Oneota Formation, Monroe County, Wisconsin

Code: DS2017

Price: Sold

Description: Somehow this Paleozoic stromatolite from the Oneota Formation in Wisconsin escaped the metamorphic processes of the earth, and essentially retained its "living" form. It is some 495 million years old, from a time that Prokaryotic life forms no longer had exclusive use of earth's shorelines. By this time in geological history, microbial communities consisted of complex consortia of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic forms with diverse metabolic needs, and competition for resources and differing motility among them made for an intriguing microcosm of interacting life, some autotrophic, some chemotrophic and some heterotrophic.

Remaining in its ostensibly natural form, this stromatolite would be great either for display or as a teaching tool. Apparently, it comes from a tidal environment that eroded the stromatolitic colony, so that it took on toadstool-like appearance like modern day stromatolites in shark bay Australia.

By this time in geological history that these stromatolites were formed, microbial communities consisted of complex consortia of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic forms with diverse metabolic needs, and competition for resources and differing motility among them made for an intriguing microcosm of interacting life, some autotrophic, some chemotrophic and some heterotrophic. However, stromatolite reefs are believed to have regained a temporary foothold following the extinctions even that concluded the Cambrian Period. Since these stromatolites are at the very base of the Ordovician, they may well have been part of the resurgence when predation by other organisms was temporarily, at least, suppressed.

Note that most of the upper surface of this specimen is convered with quartz, adding an element of beauty to the science.

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