Lower Cambrian Hyolithid Fossils

Hyolithid Fossils

Phylum Hyolitha

Geological Time: Lower Cambrian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Hyolithids are 20 and 25 mm; matrix ~ 70 x 55 mm

Fossil Site: Pioche Shale, Nevada

Fossil Code: INV13

Price: $34.00 - sold

The Hyolithids are an extinct group of problematic animals that appeared in the Cambrian and persisted into the Permian. They had a long, conically-shaped, closed shell, with a lid (operculum) covering the opening, and a pair of long, horn-like outgrowths. The animal lived on the sea-bottom, or partly buried. They are Phylum Hyolithasometimes classified as a Mollusk, though as a distinct separate class. They reached their peak in the Cambrian and declined thereafter.

This plate has two larger Hyolithids. They come from the famous, Lower Cambrian, Pioche Shale in Nevada where they are sometimes found in association with Olenellid trilobtes. The long skinny trace to the right of the Hyolithids is a Priapulid worm gut trace.

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