Dominican Amber Insects

Fossil Mall
Science Section

Insects in Dominican Amber







Caddis Fly
Encyrtid Wasp
Pteromalid Wasp
Order Trichoptera; Family Polycentropidae
Order Hymenoptera, Family Encyrtidae
Hymenoptera, Family Pteromalidae
Noted for the net spinning aquatic larvae which are carnivorous. They lie in wait for anything that the current brings along, then reel in their nets to feast. Most of their one year lifespan is taken up in the larval state.
Known to parasitize a diverse variety of insects, but some 50% of the known species parasitize scale insects. Others attack psyillids, and still others are known parsitoids of other wasps.
Known to parasitize a diverse variety of insects; some are even predatory, feeding directly on eggs, larvae, and adult insects of several types. A few are what are known as hyperparasitiods, parasitizing other types of parasitic wasps.
 The earwigs are nocturnal insects. They are easily identified by the cerci (‘pinchers” at the end of the abdomen. They derive their common name from the unfounded old superstition thay they have a tendency to get into peoples ears. They are infrequently found as inclusions.
Fossil Amber with Spider Cannibalism During Mating
Fossil Amber with Spider Cannibalism During Mating
An exceedingly rare occurence on foosil amber: spider mates with the female appearing poised to cannibalize the smaller male. The spider mates are accompanied in their resin tomb by two Coleopterans (one large and one small) and a small Dipteran

Amber at Fossil Mall