Uncommon Seymouria Lower Permian Fossil Amphibian

Seymouria baylorensis

Conybeare, 1822

Phylum Chordata, Order Seymouriamorpha, Family Seymouriidae

Geological Time: Lower Permian Leonardian Stage (~275 million years ago)

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil is 97 mm long by 45 mm high by 30 mm deep Matrix: 150 mm by 65 mm

Fossil Site: Clear Fork Formation, Baylor County, Texas USAm

Fossil Code: SRC19

Price: Sold

Seymouria baylorensis FossilThis specimen displays the right side of the skull and mandible of the amphibian Seymouria baylorensis. The genus and species names are derived from the type location of Seymour in Baylor County Texas. Once thought to be an amniote and member of the stem group of the Tetrapoda, they are currently considered to be members of the last group to precede the origin of the amniotes. They laid eggs in the water which hatched and ultimately metamorphosed into the adult form known so well. While no known larvae have been found, the close relative Discosauriscus (see my other postings) is known only from the larval form. The reverse shows many skull and jaw fragments associated from the left side of the head, affording an interesting example of this amphibian that spent quite of bit of its existence on the land.

Reference: Paleobios, Vol 17, No 1, July 13 1996, pp1-16.

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