3D Inflated Clypeaster Miocene Sushi

Clypeaster altos

Phylum Echinodermata, Class Echinoidea

Geological Time: Miocene

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Fossil is 4 ¾” in diameter and 2 ¼” high

Fossil Site: Albacete, Spain

Code: PFO380

Price: Sold

Description: A life-like example of a fully inflated and perfectly preserved echinoid from the Miocene of Spain. The earliest echinoids are known from the upper Ordovician, and they remain alive today, testament to their evolutionary adaptability. A lot of people like to eat sushi, but only the fearless attempt the sea urchin, where the live animal is opened, and the so-called brain is eaten.

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