MIDAS TOUCH Pyritized Eldredgeops Trilobite

Eldregeops (Phacops) rana

Trilobites Order Phacopida, Family Phacopidae

Geological Time: Middle Devonian

Size (25.4 mm = 1 inch): Prone: 10 mm by 17 mm (curve measure) Matrix: 15 mm by 20 mm

Fossil Site: Windom Shale, Hamilton Group, Moscow Formation, Erie County, New York

Code: PYT117

Price: Sold

Pyritized Eldredgeops rana TrilobiteDescription: Here is a remarkable example of preservation: a totally pyritized Eldredgeops rana trilobite. Its rich golden color has ked me to coin the term Midas Touch when referring to these specimens. This is a recent find, and one that I do not believe has ever been offered before. Pyrite is typically prone to the oxidative degradation termed “pyrite disease”. Examples of these have been subjected to forcing conditions with no ill effects. Nevertheless as a precaution they have been given a coating of an achival quality material which is employed in the conservation of ancient artifacts. While all found to date are somewhat small, they make up for lack of size in tremendous eye appeal. I have very few of these, so if you want to add one to your collection be quick.

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