Exceedingly Rare Nieszkowskia tumidus gibbus Russian trilobite

Phacopid Nieszkowskia tumidus gibbus (now called Acanthoparypha gibba) (Trilobites)

Geological Time: Ordovician

Size: (25.4mm=1 inch): 2.3 inches (measured in along the curve)

Fossil Site: Asery level, St. Petersburg region, Wolchow river, Russia

Code: gibbus

Price: $2500.00 - sold

Rare Nieszkowskia tumidus gibbusComing from the nearly half billion year old Middle Ordovician Asery Level deposits of the Wolchow River region near Saint Petersburg, Russia, this is an example of the EXCEEDINGLY RARE Phacopid Nieszkowskia tumidus gibbus (now called Acanthoparypha gibba), a trilobite I cannot recall having been offered on eBay before. Its affinities with the Cheirurids is apparent, but there are substantial differeneces as well. The trilobite itself is 2.3 inches long (measured along the curve) and 1.8 inches wide at the free-standing genal spines. The pleural and pygidial spines are in great shape, and there is a 0.6 inch Brachiopod which shares the matrix. Very few of these are collected and offered yearly, and their rarity commands a high price, one some are willing to pay to secure one of these as the centerpiece of their collections. The matrix itself is 6.5 inches long and 6.0 inches across. Whatever else you call this specimen, it is FANTASTIC!

Trilobites Purchase

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