Devonian Cruziana Trilobite Ichnofossil

Cruziana Triolibite Trackway

Geological Time: Devonian

Size: Trackway is 40 mm long, 10 mm across plus some isolated 10 mm long traces; Matrix: 75 mm by 65 mm

Fossil Site: Jebel Issoumour, Alnif, Morocco

Fossil Code: 15006

Price: Sold

Devonian Cruziana Trilobite IchnofossilDescription: This trackway has been ascribed to trilobites and as such has been named Cruziana. It consists of one longish bilobate trail and a few smaller fragmentary traces. These are the result of infilling of the original tackway, followed by subsequent wearing away of the mold to leave the cast seen here. I never fail to be fascinated by these moments in time frozen for hundreds of millions of years, documenting the scurrying of some trilobite searching for a meal or shelter. Ichnotraces such as these are Nature’s time machine.

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