Rare Dominican Amber Polyxenid Millipede

Fossil Amber

Class Diplopoda, Order Polyxenidida

Insect Order Hymenoptera, Family Formicidae

Geological Time: Miocene - Oligocene

Size (25.4mm = 1 inch): Amber: 17 mm long, 13 mm across, Millipede: 2 mm

Fossil Site: Region near Santiago, Dominican Republic

Code: DA5009

Price: $135.00 - sold

Rare Dominican Amber Polyxenid MillipedeDescription: This piece of amber houses as its main inclusion a Polyxenid millipede. They are also termed hairy millipedes. Modern-day examples are known to shed their bristles as a way of defending themselves from attacking ants. One type of ant has evolved exceptionally long, tong-like mandibles as a way of circumventing the millipede’s defenses. The hairy body also serves as camouflage when the millipede hunkers down on the bark of a tree. The Polyxenids are some of the smallest millipedes, rarely over 1 mm in length. This one will take some searching with a 10X loupe to locate. It is in the lower left between the 7 o’clock and 8 o’clock position in the first photograph. There is also a seed pod trapped within.

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