Exceptionally Rare Pliocene Italian Fossil Seahorse
Hippocampus ramulosus

Name: Hippocampus ramulosus (Fossil Seahorse)

Geological Time: Lower Pliocene

Size: mm (25.4mm=1 inch) 108 mm in length on 130 mm by 114 mm matrix

Location: Marecchia River Formation, Poggio Berni, Rimimini Province, Italy

Pliocene Italian Fossil SeahorseDescription: This is a fine example of an extinct seahorse. The tubular mouth shows that these members of the Syngnathiformes fed on small Crustaceans and such, much as their modern-day relatives Seahorses and Pipefishes. The genus is still extant today, living in subtropical and tropical waters in various parts of the world. This is a fine example of this rarely-offered taxon.

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Hippocampus ramulosus

Hippocampus ramulosus

Hippocampus ramulosus

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